Credits: هذا الدرس يشرح طريقة تنصيب الـ SSH في ويندوز سيرفر 2008، من المعروف ان الـ SSH يستخدم في إدارة الملفات والمواقع عن طريق شاشة شبيه بشاشة CMD. نبقى مع الدرس الآن What is SSH? SSH is the secure shell, a standard defined in RFC 4251 . It is a network protocol that opens up a secure channel between two devices using TCP port 22. This channel can also be used for SFTP and SCP (secure FTP and secure copy, respectively). To make this work, you need a secure server on the system you are connecting to and a secure client on the client you are connecting from. Keep in mind that SSH is completely interoperable between different platforms. For example, you could connect to a SSH server on a Cisco router from a Windows client, you could connect to a Linux server from a Cisco router, and you could connect to a Windows 2008 Server from a Linux client. The only possible compatibility issue is that there a...